Sunday, December 4, 2011

Unexpected treasures.....

What a fun day today was! First off, it's sooo cold here that it's really starting to get me in the Christmas spirit...our goal today was to get our lights up outside so we went to our storage unit...on the way we saw a sign for an Estate sale. Sweet dh asked me if I wanted to go. Ummm, o.k., twist my arm. As we drove up he said, "It doesn't look like a very big or very nice house, are you sure you wanna go in?" Silly man, those are the best sales! You know the ones, the older homes where the owners (we can only hope) were packrats! Oh, and did I mention it was Sunday so half price day!
(My dd pointed that out to me, she's such a good shopper).
So on the wall I saw the two gorgeous prints above....couldn't grab those fast enough. They're stunning in person and quite large with really nice creamy wood pretty.

Wonderful books....we'll see what I can part with...

A package of the sweetest tiny, tiny Dennison stars, and a really cool oak file box with index cards included...

Lovely large bunch of lace and a gorgeous purple roses pillow tick.....

and last but not ancient old testament Bible that is literally falling apart and a very cool old dictionary.
I left that sale so very we got our lights up today outside, went to church tonight, and had a great Chinese meal.
Happy week to all!


Vintage Market Place said...

Whoa that is some cool stuff.
I have those black dictionaries!!!
So funny how similar our tastes are. :)

We are in full Christmas mode here.
Just wrapped and boxed all packages to ship to friends and family!
Seems packages are taking the slow train these days so better get'm out now.
Take care
and enjoy those cold winter days for me.

Rhonda said...

Woo Hoo, you cure my shopping addiction, LOL
I just admire your stashes...they are fine stashes, too.

Yep, we are in Christmas mode here, too.
Tis the season....xo R

Blessed Serendipity said...

You find the best stuff.
